Coat/Primark, Top/Shein (here), Necklace/Celine.
Hey guys,
Happy Tuesday. I hope you're all well :) It's been too long so I posted one of these more personal blog posts and I'm definitely going to get better and do a lot more from now on. I really love documenting these days almost like a diary, plus I always take a million photos everywhere I go so it's nice to have somewhere to share them :)
Today myself and John headed into Amsterdam central for a super festive day of brunching and ice skating. It's John's birthday this week but he has a very glamorous dental appointment that day so we decided to do something fun today. We will still celebrate on Thursday because I never need an excuse to eat cake, haha.
It's been SO lovely living in Amsterdam this time of year. Christmas has always been my favourite time of year and it's really magical experiencing it somewhere new. We'll be back in Ireland really soon so we're making the most of the festivities before we head home.
For any of you visiting Amsterdam, the ice rink is right next to Museumplein, right next to the I AMSTERDAM sign. The fee is €11 and you have 2 hours on the rink, which is amazing. After you skate, you can pop into the bar and enjoy some mulled wine, beer and traditional dutch food. It's such a cosy way to spend an afternoon and really puts you in the festive spirit.
Speaking of festive spirit, it's time for me to put on the kettle and have a mince pie with fresh cream. The best combo.
Chat again soon,
Lauren. X