Jumper/Primark, Skirt/New Look, Boots/Zara.
Hey dolls,
Happy Monday :) I'm back with blogmas day 2 and today I am in London for a VERY exciting shoot with Neutrogena tomorrow. They flew myself and another blogger from Dublin, (Louise O'Reilly), over for the launch of their brand new product tonight followed by a full day of shooting tomorrow. I'll defo try and get some behind the scenes photos but I'M NOT 100% sure how much I can show you as the product is not being launched until January. I can't WAIT for you guys to see it. It's uhmazinggg!
We flew here this morning and landed after lunch. Myself and Louise had an hour before heading to the event so we grabbed our cameras and hit the beautiful streets of London for an impromptu shoot. We had so much fun together, it's always so lovely travelling with other bloggers. After the launch night we headed straight to Shake Shack for a burger and fries! My fav :)
Now I'm cosy in bed answering some emails and catching up on some work before I hit the hay.
Chat to you all tomorrow!
Ciao for now.
Lauren. X